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To view the declaration of accessibility of Portal Pasażera mobile applications go to subpage „Accessibility of Portal Pasażera mobile applications”.
If you want to support us in the development of application and use new functions earlier than other users, become a beta-tester.
Choose your platform and sign up for the test program, links can be found below:
Change history
Collapsed: Version 3.4.55 (beta)
- libraries update,
- fix for the default time on forms,
- fix for incorrect presentation of stations on the Station Timetable screen when switching between arrivals/departures,
- fix for incorrectly presented message about timetable dates,
- fix for opening links from station announcements.
Collapsed: Version 3.4.49
- a new way of presenting messages for the selected station and messages related to connections.
- libraries update,
- minor improvements to the application′s operation.
Collapsed: Version 3.4.47
- libraries update,
- update the content of the declaration of accessibility,
- disable the screen with trains for UA.
Collapsed: Version 3.4.46
- correction of the presentation of connections with connected substitute bus transport,
- update libraries for Android 13.
Collapsed: Version 3.4.45
- information about full or partial connection cancellation - in case of a partial or full cancellation of a quick connection, an appropriate message will be displayed in the list of connections,
- new way of processing default search engine settings (note, it may be necessary to reset them if they were set) - default settings will be automatically updated if search parameters have not been explicitly indicated.
- update application libraries,
- fixed the bug of repeated connections in the search results,
- fix for ignoring the selected transfer time.