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Last update: 22.03.2025

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Announcements (contents only in Polish) - The next item lists the available messages. Use the up and down arrows to move to the next mesages. The entire content of the message will be read without the need to press the enter button and collapse/expand the content of the message. Information - Click on a given row to expand it and read the message.

Attention, you are in the modal menu. To close the modal menu, use the ESCAPE key. Press TAB to move through the next elements within the opened menu.
Attention, you are in the modal window. Use the ESCAPE key to close the modal window. Press the Tab key to navigate through the next elements within the opened window.
Attention, you are in the modal window. Select one of the options available at the end to close the modal window. Press the Tab key to navigate through the next elements within the opened window.
Attention, you are in the modal window. Use the ESCAPE key to close the modal window. Press the Tab key to navigate through the next elements within the opened window.
Attention, you are in the modal window. Use the ESCAPE key to close the modal window. Press the Tab key to navigate through the next elements within the opened window.
Attention, you are in the modal window. Use the ESCAPE key to close the modal window. Press the Tab key to navigate through the next elements within the opened window.
Attention, you are in the modal window. Use the ESCAPE key to close the modal window. Press the Tab key to navigate through the next elements within the opened window.