Information - This card shows general data on trains and stations: departure and arrival stations and possible intermediate stations. Each section can be expanded by clicking on it or clicking the arrow on the right. Route length - includes the route within Poland and the section to the first station outside the border. Click the „back” button in the top left corner to return to view the list of connections again.
Connection mode Direct
Total travel time 1h:06min
Kilometers 54,2 km


Station Tomaszów Mazowiecki
Platform / track Platform 2 Track 2
Departure time 04:30
Departure date 15.06.2024
Departure number 19538
Facilities for the disabled
  • Access to the platform by crossing tracks with the help of a carer or an accompanying person


Carrier Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna sp. z o.o.
Train name
Train number 19538
Trading category ŁKA
Route Tomaszów Mazowiecki - Łódź Fabryczna
Runs 9 VI-13 VII; 23 VII-24 VIII

Informations about the train

Please note that the services available on the train may vary on individual sections of the route. Check the details in the „Route station by station” tab.
  • available space to change a baby
  • ticket machine on the train
  • electric units
  • car with seats for disabled passengers - with a lift/ramp
  • 2nd class
  • air-conditioning
  • carriage marked with Braille signs
  • carriage suitable for transporting bicycles - limited places available
  • WiFi access


Station Łódź Fabryczna
Platform / track Platform 2 Track 1
Arrival time 05:36
Arrival date 15.06.2024
Arrival number 19538
Facilities for the disabled
  • Access to the platform using a lift
    • To platform 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Access to the platform with the help of a security guard - 24/7 help/assistance
  • Access to the platform using an escalator
  • Access to the platform using a moving walkway
  • Tactile walking surface indicators
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Information - Choose a separate sales system for each Carrier or a shared ticket.
If you select „separately” - the system will present the route partition adapted to ticket sales system of individual Carrier. The rules for grouping trains, transfers and time restrictions will be consistent with the guidelines of individual system.
If you select „Shared Ticket” - the system will present the route partition adapted to „Shared Ticket” sales system. Carrier′s trains will be grouped if they are covered by the shared ticket service. The rules for grouping trains, transfers and time restrictions will be consistent with the guidelines of the „Shared Ticket” system.
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The train will arrive at the station as planned, a delay of up to 5 minutes
The train will arrive at the station with a delay of 5-15 minutes
The train will arrive at the station with a delay of more than 15 minutes

Types of trains on the map
